Teenagers are Awesome
Lake Ridge Youth is a safe place for Chestermere’s junior and senior high aged students to connect with each other and God. We are creating a community of friendship where teens can have fun, build healthy relationships with each other and our team of youth leaders, explore faith and ask the big questions. Everyone is welcome.
Youth Events - Youth meet on the last weekend of the month for a fun social activity. Cost, timing and location change month by month, but we’re making memories together, so join us for the upcoming adventures.
The Space Between - During the school year, youth meet weekly on Thursdays from 7-9 pm for a time of fun, connection, growth and learning…it’s not school, and it’s not church – it’s the space in between. While the In Between Space is open to students in grades 7-12, when discussions occur, youth are divided into age-based groups to enable meaningful dialogue. Join us!
Questions? Want to get connected?
Email Megan at JrHighYouth@lakeridgecommunity.com
Email Luke at SrHighYouth@lakeridgecommunity.com