kids ministry
Let the Children Come…
When you walk up to our Kids Church rooms, we hope you hear giggles and all sorts of fun things happening. Each week our team works together to create a Jesus-loving space where kids have fun, grow in their faith and make new friends. Lake Ridge Kids welcomes all children from nursery to grade 6, to know God’s goodness and to join in what God is doing all around them. Kids can expect worship, games, crafts, stories, and play. We are committed to creating a space where all children know that they belong.
Kids Age Groups
Nursery - Infant to Preschool
Early Elementary - Kinder to Grade 3
Crew 46 - Grades 4 to Grades 6
Most Sundays…
Kids join the adults during the music portion of the worship service, then they will be prayed for and dismissed to Kids Church during the coffee break. We encourage kids of reading age to bring their bibles - if your child does not own a bible, please talk to someone on the Kids ministry team and we’d be happy to give them one!
Kids Church is about 45 mins in length and focuses on biblical teachings through worship, games, crafts, stories and play. It is a place where kids can be themselves, share their stories and grow to understand their identity in Christ.
If your child is uncomfortable leaving you, they are completely welcome to remain in the service with you.
About once per month…
We hold a Family Sunday where kids stay with their families through the entire service which is curated to offer something to all ages. We believe it’s important to create this space of belonging where all generations get the opportunity to experience worship and Jesus together. Please check the calendar for future family Sunday dates.
Stay Connected! Download the Lake Ridge Kids Newsletter
Volunteering with children
It takes a lot of volunteers to care for our children well. Our volunteers invest their time, energy and love into our children and we are deeply grateful.
In order to ensure a safe environment, volunteering requires proper vetting and background checks. If you would like to volunteer or learn more, contact
Jennifer Kasur at kids@lakeridgecommunity.com