
Sunday Gatherings

While we know that Jesus walks with us in the midst of our everyday routines and responsibilities, we also believe that something special happens when we gather as a community.

Our Sunday gatherings are more than just a place to go: they’re where we make new friends, nurture relationships, and put down roots. Practices of worship and prayer, teaching that brings truth into clarity and stories that deepen our trust in Jesus…these are the things that shape our weekly Sunday gathering into a time of connection and renewal, a time that assures you that no matter what’s happening in your world, you belong here.

Sundays at 10:30 am
Our Lady of Wisdom School
134 Rainbow Falls Drive, Chestermere, AB

Current Series

Listen along weekly to our current sermon series or any of our past series.

Kids Ministry

Kids get together every Sunday morning to engage the story of Jesus, together.

“The perfect church service would be one we were almost unaware of; our attention would have been on God”

— C.S. Lewis