Sermon Series March 2nd to March 23
Room for Good Things to Run Wild
Go Deeper: Resources
Our intention is to create or share resources to help people explore these topics in further depth. Here are a few resources you might find meaningful during this sermon series.
Room for Good Things to Run Wild by Josh Nadeau - Rediscover the full and wild world that God has created for you in the way He has created you to experience it. Room for Good Things to Run Wild is a call into the Holy Ordinary; a new way to see that wakes the soul and satisfies the body.
This sermon series explores and unpacks the scripture’s vision of darkness. Often understood as sin, injustice, hypocrisy, and selfishness that lead to shame, ennui, fear, and broken community. Jesus is not afraid of the darkness and neither are his friends. How do we face a dark world, sin around us, and in us? This is a freedom message of hope for a world looking for light, and Jesus’ work to fill the darkness with his love. It just takes a flickering flame to chase away the darkness.
Sermon Audio Files
Jesus loves the Wild Ones
Jesus loves the wild ones. The selfish, self-serving, runners. The Moses with murder and anger on their hands and hearts. He loves those so full of shame and hate. He loves you. Are you a lion in a cage? Do you fight against everything, and pursue every pleasure? Are your prayers more like a wolf howling at the moon, than a friend talking together? Jesus hears you. He is not a rival to your freedom, he is here to give you life and freedom. To replace your wildness with his wild love for you. He wants to free us from our cages so that we can live openly with him and each other.
Obey him when he says simply...
Obedience to God does not reward us because of our special effort. Naaman did not get a gift because he was obedient. The gift was already before him. God had been preparing for his freedom long before he knew it. No, Naaman did not convince God to heal him by his obedience. Rather, his obedience positioned him to receive God’s gift. Our obedience to God positions us to receive, too. God’s gift of freedom is yours. You do not have to be angry, sulk, fight, or be sad that your expectations were not met. God already has your freedom, it’s paid for, planned for, it’s yours. Like those sheep behind the fence, you are already free. Obedience to God’s simple commands helps you unclench your hands to receive.
Guest Speaker: Victoria McKinnon
But Peter said, “Man, I don’t know what you are talking about.” And immediately, while he was still speaking, the rooster crowed. How Many of you shook your head reading that? It’s really easy to imagine that you would be different. I would never do those things. What a fool. So did Jesus get it wrong? Could someone like Peter really be the rock who holds the keys to the kingdom of heaven?
Family Sunday - Crickets & Beards
We may not live in the wilderness, but we are still called to point to Jesus, to go into wild places, to lighten our load, and to trust. Maybe the wildness we’re invited into is about the untamed, risky, beautiful adventure of following Jesus wherever He leads. What are you getting ready for? Jesus is here inviting us into his Kingdom, into a world where he is Lord. Where we step out boldly into all weather, onto any terrain, with those God loves, because we want to be where