Sermon Series August 4 - August 25


Do you want God to act in your world today? Maybe you wonder about the story around you and wonder who God is in light of the suffering you see or feel. Maybe you’re not sure God is all that good, or that you’re even in God’s care. Moses was rescued as a baby, and maybe he thought his life in the country with his wife and baby boy was the whole story. But God saw things differently…

In this sermon series, Moses: Say this to the People, we are taking a fresh look at the person of Moses. God speaks to Moses, uses Moses to free his people, Moses shepherds God’s people through 40 years of wandering and much more. But by looking at Moses we learn to look at ourselves: learning to meet God, be with God, and do what he says to do…impacting both our self and those around us.

Go Deeper: Resources

  • Right Now Media Series - Rev. Dr. Phillip Pointer

    The book of Exodus is long, complex, and full of statutes—so why should we study it? Exodus is not only filled with iconic characters and events, but explores the foundational story of the Israelites and reveals an all-powerful, intimately personal God. In this six-session series, Rev. Dr. Phillip Pointer explores the major themes in the book of Exodus and helps us understand God’s redemptive plan for all humanity.

Sermon Audio Files

It was time to act!

We’re going to step into this story and listen with fresh ears to encounter two key figures: Moses and God. Few other stories in the Bible are as pivotal to revealing God’s heart and purpose and way of making broken things whole than in God’s relationship with Moses and God’s people.

When God Introduces Himself

Moses is a shepherd. Little does he know that one day the great King David was first a shepherd, and Jesus says, “I AM the Good Shepherd.” Jesus says he lays down his life for his sheep. And Jesus tells Peter to tend his sheep.

Moses the Unwilling and Unable

When we read the story of Moses, or any other character, we are invited to wrestle with what we believe about God’s character, and our own, through God’s work in that person’s life. Remember, Exodus is telling a story about God, who he is, and the book reveals God’s heart.