Sermon Series January 26th to February 23rd

Light for my Path

Go Deeper: Resources

Right Now Media - Follow along with series to support this sermon series.

The Bible Project - The Light and the City videos and readings to go deeper in your studies.

YouVersion Bible App - Join us on the YouVersion Bible App! Dive deeper into God's Word with us through daily devotionals, prayer groups, and engaging Bible readings. Whether you’re exploring your faith or looking to grow spiritually, there’s a place for you here. Download the app, search for Lake Ridge Community Church, and start connecting with us today!

Nothing hurts more than stubbing your toe in the middle of the night. In the dark, trying to be quiet, but only met with sharp pain. Ouch! The Psalmist used to sing that, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet, and a light for my path.” The story of God is of those who have stubbed their toes in the dark a lot, and need to find a way through. The Bible, God’s Word, made alive in the person of Jesus, is here to light the way. This teaching series explores the Bible, what it is, how we can trust it, and how to use it in practical ways to light our way. Bring your Bible, because you may just find that it’s about to become far more meaningful to you this year.

Sermon Audio Files

Week 1

Did Peter know the Word of God? Did he know that God created all that was around him? Did he know the Promise? Did he remember the story of his people going through the sea on dry land? Did he know the One who spoke, that God was for him? Through the fog comes Jesus. The Word of God. In the dark the started to sink. But then something happened, the Word of God reached out to him. The Word of God went from spoken, it went from written, it became a person. God himself reached down and held onto Peter. Peter needed the Word of God.

Week 2

Your brain has a vice-like grip on its stories. It holds on tight to the stories it was told are true about it. Your imagination is always active to understand your experiences, and many of those re-inforce the story you tell yourself. We are story-telling people. We tell stories, believe stories. These are what give us a way to understand and make sense of all that we experience. Stories are the operating system of the brain, tell yourself good or bad stories about your world, and you will live accordingly. The stories we tell ourselves become our stories?

Week 3

We say that the Bible is 100% human and 100% divine. God is brilliant, God can work out his purposes in the lives of ordinary, broken, even sinfully prideful selfish people, and still tell his story through them. Even words spoken by Pharaohs, and Roman governors are quoted in the text. God used many voices, stories, and genres to tell and show his story to us. It’s human in that people experienced God, and told God’s story as it unfolded in their lives, but Paul says to Timothy that it’s all inspired, God breathed, it’s actually God’s story they are telling.

Week 4

What was Jesus doing? Jesus lit up the room with words from Scripture. He was continuing the story by saying that today this is fulfilled. A radical declaration. He was here for his people, and implied his mission was for everyone, even gentiles and enemies. Instead of just reading, he becomes the subject of the story. Instead of pointing to the distant future, he says God’s Kingdom is now. It’s how he helped people see who he was, and where he was going. It’s how Jesus is inviting us into our future with him. Look back, to go forward. God is here!

Audio Block
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Week 5

The Bible is not an instruction manual or the fine print on our Christian agreement with God. It was not written to meet that expectation. We create problems for ourselves when we call it that. Especially when we encounter ideas that were not aimed at us, or stories that unfold with a people that are not us. We are not the star of this story. If we read it expecting it to solve our problems because we think we are the star of the Bible and it should centre on fixing me right now, then we miss what it’s actually doing. We’re not the centre of this story, God is.

Audio Block
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