Sermon Series January 28 - February 11

The Jesus Way

The Jesus way is our destination, our truth. But the Jesus Way is also our path, our means, to get there. 

In the jungle I did not know the destination nor the means to get there. I was lost. All I had was a bit of trust, barely. When we are lost, in the wilderness, we react and respond in strange ways. When we don’t know the way we get frustrated, controlling, fearful, sad. We try our own plans. We sit on the edge, or we run frantically.

But those boys knew both the destination and the means. They moved confidently, joyfully, and led me along. I was preparing to turn back, but they knew better. I actually did not know what to do. I had one option: to stay with them.

Jesus sets out the way to join him on the way. He does something profound, he goes with.

Zacchaeus is up a tree and the God of the universe comes to be with him. “Zacchaeus! Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today.” I must come over. I must be with you. The crowd wanted Jesus to bark at Zacchaeus, fix him, rebuke him, maybe taunt him. But Jesus gets close to him. Eats with him. 

Sermon Audio Files

With Jesus

Zacchaeus is up a tree and the God of the universe comes to be with him. “Zacchaeus! Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today.” I must come over. I must be with you. The crowd wanted Jesus to bark at Zacchaeus, fix him, rebuke him, maybe taunt him. But Jesus gets close to him. Eats with him. 

Like Jesus

The Bible has a surprising vision for us. It does not allow that Jesus is just a great teacher, or miracle worker, or divine visitor who saved us from our sins. We cannot watch from a distance. That is not enough for Jesus, he invites our relationship to him to be far more. The Bible is shocking because it says that we are to become like Jesus. Not a fan in the stands, a participant. 

Doing what Jesus Invites us to do

It’s work. Work that’s being done to us. Like a pot in the hands of a potter. Or a sheep in the care of a shepherd. This is God’s work to shape us. But it’s also our work to stay close, to let the work be done. It’s work for us, too, to follow, to do what is asked, to ultimately surrender and allow God to shape us. St Augustine said, “Without God, we cannot. Without us, God will not.