Growing in faith looks a lot like learning to interact with Jesus in real time - in the quiet of prayer and in the busy-ness of work and family. It’s not fast work - spiritual formation is said to be the slowest of all human movements. Eugene Peterson (a minister, scholar, theologian, author, and poet) calls life in Jesus a “long obedience in the same direction.”
While individual study and prayer are important parts of our spiritual growth, there is an important journey that comes from experiencing Christ with others. So, we are being intentional about creating community-wide experiences and sermon series that invite us to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus invites us to do. We’re creating resources, gathering to have good conversations, praying together, and offering courses that deepen our faith. Wherever you join us on this path of following Jesus, we’re glad you’re here.
Be the Light
Following our 2024 Theme, “Well Watered” we’re eager to explore how our faith turns to new life. Jesus said that his friends were to be a light on a hill, shining out for everyone. It’s a bold claim that WE, followers of Jesus who trust in him, become the very light he was. This is not because of our cool factor, or our smarts, or our amazing skills. We are a light because of the Good News of Jesus at work in us. Our year will explore what it means to have a faith that ‘shines’ out.