Sermon Series Mar 10 - 31
The Cross
When Jesus was talking to his friends about what would happen to him in the days leading up to his death, he said, "unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives."
I find that Jesus often speaks in these kinds of stories when he's trying to help people understand a big idea. That Jesus would die, and for a very good purpose, is certainly a very big idea, even for us. Sometimes I do not see the goodness on the other side of loss. In the moment of losing something - a dream, an expectation, a relationship, or something beautiful in our lives - it's hard to see any good at all. Jesus gets it. He knows how hard it can be, and he enters in with us. The seeds of our lives, buried as they may be, are made to sprout, it seems. Through the hard moments life breaks through. I don't understand how, but I know who. Jesus is here turning our sorrow into gladness and he loves to make all things new. Welcome to Easter, where both the cross and the resurrection have hope for us, too.
Sermon Audio Files
The Cross is Foolishness to some people the Bible says. Today we’re going to look at the cross in Jesus’ day, and why it was so divisive then, and now. The idea of God suffering and dying makes no sense, until it makes sense of everything else - even our darkest shame. It is foolishness, unless you’re being saved by it.
For the Joy
As we explore the theme of the cross we’re looking at those who lived a cross-shaped, or cruciform life. These are people who knew that the cross was not the end, but the laying down of one life, for a better way in Jesus.
The Rebels
Whether we are a child in a flame, like a sheep astray and at risk, or a rebellious criminal, the cross is God coming to us. Jesus stands with us in the line with our coupons and knows we cannot pay. The cross is where we say yes to him. If Jesus came to us, what do we now say?
Easter Sunday
This is resurrection Jesus. Calm. Sure. Full of peace and care for his friends. He now lives in a whole new reality that he wants his friends to live in, too.
We can be at peace, he made it so. We can be calm on the inside. We can meet him in our doubt. He wants to be with us.