Sermon Series September 1 to October 13

Ten Words

Our autumn Sermon series, Ten Words, that you may live, will run from Sunday, September 1 to Sunday, October 13th. This series will explore the Ten Commandment, the law of God, grace, and what it means to be free and delight in the God’s care for us and our community. The key idea is that God has given us these ten commandments to enhance our relationship to God and our freedom. Several times after being freed from captivity, God’s people were told to keep God’s commands “that you may live.” It was a stark idea: thriving life comes from God, going your own way does not lead to life. How does this translate today? Do the Ten Commandments still have any bearing today? Our fall sermon series takes a look at the Ten Words of God to help his people find life after slavery- to find freedom after captivity. Join us on Sunday mornings as we take a fresh look, “that you may live.

Go Deeper: Resources

Our intention is to create or share resources to help people explore these topics in further depth. Here are a few resources you might find meaningful during this sermon series.

Sermon Audio Files

Living Freely: Finding our Way in the Blinding Light of Day

Jesus said he didn’t come to abolish the law, but fulfill it. Jesus is neither antinomian or autonomous. Rather’s he’s fulfilled the law, and he’s showing us how to rely on God, and be together. Jesus is clear, as we love him, and are loved by him, God moves in! God lives in us. We are filled by the Spirit!

No Other Gods: Our Hearts Are God’s

Worship God at the centre of my heart, and I won’t have to worship at the altar of adultery, hate, murder, covetousness, and chasing the rat race. I get to sabbath rest, love my neighbour, enjoy what I have, love my enemy, and protect those around me, and their stuff. I can be meek, generous, safe in my skin, peaceful, and a light to others. My God lives in me, on his rightful seat. I finally get to enjoy life. A worshiping heart is a feature, not a flaw. It’s a promise!

Calling God by Name (Exodus 20:7)

We are not alone.

Be bold, speak the name of Jesus and walk with him. Call on him in your distress. Need him and tell him so. Ask in his name, then love in his name. Gather in his name. Give in his name. Embrace in his name. Plant, harvest, pour out, and become the community that knows in whose name we live. Jesus.

God’s Rhythms for Life

It is like a park in a concrete jungle. We are set free from the lesser gods we make and bow to, so that we might enjoy and work with the God who made us, now and forever. So with God at the centre, now we are meeting a new kind of freedom. Freedom a rat-race way of living, to live for God in his pace and purpose. Free to carve out and plant life in the middle of it all.

Honouring Parents & Preserving Life

So this commandment is far reaching. It offers a promise: love your family as God loves you, and you will enjoy life long life in your land. You will enjoy thanksgiving meals, ferrying someone to a medical clinic, coffees, and soccer games. You will worship side by side and keep Jesus at the centre. You will delight in being a family.

Mine! (Exodus 20:14-15)

Here’s what we find. Jesus gives his life. God doesn’t steal. Jesus gives his whole life to others, enjoyed a party, gathered friends, and gave open handedly. God is faithful. He doesn’t cheat, or use, or take. He models fidelity, life, and loving relationship. We can live like this, too, in Jesus.

Neighbours: Where It All Takes Root

We love a good half-story. We love gossip, and inklings of half truths that we can hold onto and share. I’ve learned recently the term “spill the tea,” a euphemism for gossip. We want to pour tea, have tea parties, and spread stories about others. We find that soon we are the judges of everyone we meet, and we realize that people are judging us. A back and forth we spill the tea, burn each other, and destroy what we have. Society heals with truth tellers, and is broken up by false words.